The Doc Is In!

The Doc Is In!

I am so pleased you found your way to my little corner of the internet. I’m Dr. Rachael Olufowote (otherwise affectionately known as “Dr. O”), a licensed associate marriage and family therapist in Indiana who specializes in attachment and couples therapy for Christian couples. I’m also a researcher, writer, part-time professor, and most importantly, a wife to my amazing husband Joel and mama to two beautiful girls. This post is hopefully the first of many to come.

On this blog, you can expect to find brief articles that connect you with the latest research to help your personal growth, your marriage, your parenting, and other major life issues you may face. Coming soon is a article based on my award-winning research on how to become more securely attached, published in 2019 in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. This research was some of the first of its kind to go into detail about the process of positive attachment change, so if this is something you’ve been curious about, check back in soon, and let me know what you think!

I will also provide book reviews on relevant texts in the arena of couples relationships, marriage, sex, and parenting. Knowing which books are solid, dependable, trustworthy go-to’s can be tough, so these reviews are intended to provide you with deeper information from a professional perspective than just a simple “recommend” or “don’t recommend,” Stay tuned for a review on the new March 2021 release, “The Great Sex Rescue: The Lies You’ve Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended” by Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, and Joanna Sawatsky.

I encourage you to follow my blog for updates on new posts, and I welcome interaction and conversation about the posts’ content in the comments. My only request is that you keep open hearts and minds to the content on the blog and stay respectful towards one another. May this be a virtual home where all are welcome to come, sit, chat, and learn.

~Dr. O

How Can I Become More Secure?

How Can I Become More Secure?